Weapons and Fighting

The The Anglo-Saxons mainly used spears as their weapons.
The main weapon of the period was the spear, not only for the peasant but also for the professional soldier and even the nobility.
There were several types of spear. The first was the light throwing spear or javelin. Javelins usually weighs only a pound or two (one kilogram).

Another type of spear is thrusting spear.

Spears were generally used in an over arm technique.

Others might also use long swords, or carried short knives that were called seax or scramasax with them. The word "Saxon" is originally derived from this.
The seax knife


Other weapons include battle axe, which is considered to be the most feared weapon, or bows and arrows.
Battle axe
Bow and Arrows

 The Anglo-Saxons also carried sling shots with them for up close to mid ranged combat and they carried wooden shields for defense.

The Anglo-Saxons usually don't ride horses, their battles fought on the ground.

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